
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Board Etching Part 2

We talked about Board Etching Tools in part 1, in this part we will know how to design and make the board We will begin to design the tracks of any circuit with any graphic programs (Photoshop) or (Pointshop) or even the (Painter) and if the design is ready such as ready-made circuits, then all you need is to print the circle on the transparent paper. Note: You can directly draw on transparent paper or use the printer, thus...

Board Etching Part 1

This process of board etching and the work of the tracks is almost the same method used in factories to make parts of the radio and various electronic devices, but in a more professional way . This process is very important to the work of any electronic device and must be known by any inventor, and here we illustrate the easiest and the fastest and least expensive and are as follows : Tools needed for this process : Board needed in this process,...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fix fluorescent bulbs failures

In this post we will discuss the most issues and failures related to fluorescent bulbs and how to fix it yourself Diagnoses  Reasons  How to fix it  Bulb lights after a certain period of operation and then turn off the lights again Does not light up at all Flashing at intervals  Bulb damage because of the amount of air leakage in it, or due to corrosion priming bulb  ...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Photoelectric Devices

Light Sensitive Devices : The light-sensitive elements to respond to changes that occur on light intensity and by changing the internal resistance (ie, less than the value of its resistance to increase the intensity of light), and is called light-resistance (photosensitive resistance) . Or generate electricity and increase the intensity of power to increase light intensity of photosensitive cells abd also called solar cells. Photosensitive Resistance...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Soldering Gun

Soldering Gun is an Adapter which lowers the voltage and raises the power, Connected to it's Secondary end copper wire (yellow copper ring) to be the soldering head. Soldering gun  is characterized by the following : 1- Quick access to the melting temperature of the soldering material - copper - tin so it is provided with trigger pressure during the welding process where the temperature reaches about 600 degrees Celsius within a few...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The different types of Adapters

Adapters are available in different shapes and sizes according to its usage, including the very small and very big types. The most important kinds are Power Adapters and Audio Adapters . Components of the Adapters : Adapters consists of the following main parts: The Core: which is a piece of iron . The Main Coil: The entrance to the adapter . The Secondary Coil : The outlet of the adapter . Both files,...

Friday, May 25, 2012

How to check Unijunction Transistor (Ujt)

Examining this type of transistors is very easy when you follow the following steps: 1- Put the status of digital Mmeltamitr to read ohms and the resistance between Base1 and Base2 to put (+) on the first base and (-) on the second base. Then reflect the polar, probably in both cases, the resistance will be equal high. 2- Put the wire (-) on the Emitter and from wire (+) Calculate the resistance between the Emitter and Base1, and the resistance...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PCB Resistance Reader Application

You can use this free program to read the values ​​of resistors, carbon film and metal used in electronic circuits. This free program gives you the ability to: 1 - Read the resistors with the four color rings 2 - Read the resistors with the five color rings And tolerance rates widely used for both types Color interface Changed in line with your choice of colors of resistance to be read. Comparability : 98/2000/XP/Vista/7 Extension: EXE Size:...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Electronic components abbreviations

Here is a list of Electronic Component name abbreviations widely used in the electronics industry: AC: Alternating Current ADC: Analog To Digital Converter  DAC: Digital To Analog Converter PAM: Pulse Amplitude Modulation RF: Radio Frequency SW: Short Wave CB: Citizens Band IF: Intermediate Frequency LF: low Frequency STN: Signal-to-Noise SNR: Signal –to-Noise Ratio  LO: Local Oscillator CCTV: Close Circuit Television ETV: Educational...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Different components with the same name

There are a lot of electronic parts that have the same name, but the shape is different and in this post I will show you some of them illustrated by their pictures . 1- Diodes 2- Leds 3- Switches  4- Transistors ...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Manufacturer Symbols on the ICs

Sometimes you might read a manufacturer symbol on an Integrated Circuits ( eg. the below picture ) , Here are some of these symbols and their illustration . AD - Analog DeviceAY - General InstrumentCD - RCYDM - Nantional SemiconductorHD - HitachiI - IntelMC - MotorolaMJ - PlesseyMK - MostekMP - Micro Power SystemN - SigneticsRC - RaytheonSL - PlesseySN - Texas InstrumentsUCN - SpragueX - XicorXR - RaytheonZ - ZilogZN - FerrantiuA - Texas...

Electronic Symbols Part2

Here is Part 2 of the most used symbols in the Electronic Boards Designs beside it's commercial look and it's names . Component Symbols (2) Commercial Look Symbol Symbol Name BufferInverter (NOT)AND (2-input)NAND (2-input)OR (2-input)NOR (2-input) Integrated Circuits (IC) 7-Segment LED Display Loud Speaker Earphone Microphone Measuring Instrument Volt-Meter Amper-Meter LAMP Switch Battery Power...